With towering skyscrapers looking down upon wooden houses built on stilts, Malaysia is a unique country that preserves its traditional charm alongside its modern infrastructure. It is a multicultural country with people from different religions and ethnic backgrounds. One of the main reasons for Malaysia’s thriving economy is the availability of natural resources such as palm oil and rubber.
Manufacturing is also a major sector in the country’s economy. Malaysia has a tropical climate, with abundant sunshine and rainfall throughout the year.
Malaysia My Second Home Programme is designed by the Malaysian Government to allow individuals who meet a certain set of criteria to stay in Malaysia for an extended period of time. Participants will be granted a multiple entry social visit pass where they can travel freely in and out of Malaysia.
This pass is valid for an initial period of 10 years, and is renewable. The main applicant is also allowed to bring their spouse and unmarried children below 21 years of age. Parents above 60 years of age can be sponsored for a Parents’ visa.
Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H)
Type of Visa: Long term social visit pass